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Twofer Tuesday

So it turns out that with the day job, fatherhood, husbandhood, and the busiest Deadline Season of my life, this journal is one of the things that gets left undone. (Other things include: basic hygiene, exercise, cleaning my house.) I am managing to twitter near-incessantly, so if you’re simply dying for my company, follow me at

I had a pretty great day on Tuesday. In the morning, I got word that I’d sold a short novel/long novella to a publisher I’ve wanted to work with forever. I don’t want to be more specific until I have a contract (lest it turn out to be a cruel, cruel joke), but I will say it’s a book I loooove and am so happy to send off to a good home. That means I have at least one book of fiction coming out in 2014, so that’s nice.

Later on Tuesday, another of my editors got in touch to ask if I’d be interested in writing a sequel to one of my books, to which I replied, “Yes, please,” so that will also likely see print in 2014, assuming all goes to plan.

I’ve sold two stories on the same day before, and I’ve sold two books to the same publisher on the same day before, but I’ve never sold two books to two different publishers on the same day before. One of those little achievements it never occurred to me to even wish for. (Granted, “sold” is a bit of a stretch for the second one, since it was more of a, “Hey, are you interested in doing this?” and won’t even see a contract for many a month, but I’m counting it anyway.)

I celebrated with ice cream. Perhaps I should stop celebrating things with food. But it’s the habit of a lifetime.

Published inEgo Boosted and/or Destroyedthe unspeakable horror of the writing lifeWriting


  1. Mike Mike

    Heres hoping the sequel is to Venom in her Veins. Just finished it, and it was awesome.

  2. Tim Pratt Tim Pratt

    Thanks! Glad you liked it. No, it’s not a sequel to that, though I’d love to write one, and may yet get the chance.

  3. Dani Dani

    Woohoo! A sequel to Briarpatch??? Or or or Rangergirl??

  4. Tim Pratt Tim Pratt

    Alas, no!

  5. Mike Mike

    Huh, we’re running out of novels. I can’t imagine it’d be another Marla novel or The Nex, based on the way you phrased it, so that pretty much just leaves one of those secret pseudonymous novels, which is just a mite disappointing from a hungry reader’s perspective.

    Or it could be a sequel to a book of short stories or poems, but that seems unlikely as well.

  6. Tim Pratt Tim Pratt

    I will say no more, since I can’t announce it yet — except to note that your mistake is assuming it’s a sequel to a novel that’s already been published. 🙂

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