Tim Pratt's Current Publications

Current Publications

I Beat the Odds, Burt Aycock

Here's what's available at the moment:

  • The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, Volume XV, with my story "Annabelle's Alphabet", and, oh, a quarter of a million other good words. That link takes you to Booksense, and if you buy it via that link, it gives money to Small Beer Press, the good people who published that story in the first place. Plus, you're not filling the coffers of some enormous bookstore chain that treats selling books like selling dishwashing detergent. Which is a good thing.

    You can buy it at pretty much any bookstore, too.

  • Songs from Dead Singers (a ghost story anthology, including my "Melancholy Shore") is available! Order from Amazon here!

  • Issue #0 of Dark Illuminati is now available, with poems by me, Marge Simon, G. Sutton Breiding, G. O. Clark, Charlee Jacob, Bruce Boston, Vance Aandahl, Scott Thomas, David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Gary William Crawford, and Lucius Shepard. To order send $3.50 for single copy or $8.00 for 4-issue subscription, payable to Brandon Totman, PO Box 11002, Napa, CA 94581, or buy at the Miniature Sun site.

  • A chapbook! Living Together in Mythic Times, by Tim Pratt and Heather Shaw.

  • Some reviews in Locus; check my Bibliography page to see what's there currently.

For links to older works available on this site, and elsewhere online, check out my Bibliography.

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